Vinton-Shellsburg is hosting Strength & Conditioning Workouts for VS Middle Schoolers. Workouts are Monday, Wednesday, Friday for the month of July through August 19th. Workouts are from 7:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
Drop off your student at the VSHS football field and pick up at the VSHS activities door. Students and parents are also encouraged to download the Remind App, a messaging app for all communication pertaining to workouts, including cancelations, time or location changes, etc.
Our Mission Statement: To provide our young students, both athletes and non-athletes, an introduction to both the mental and physical health benefits of a well-supervised strength and conditioning program with long-term goals of improving athleticism and preventing injury.
We are excited for another year of workouts with our young Vikings and Vikettes.
Please email coach Church if you have any questions: