Everyone at VSCSD is a Difference Maker! Our goal is for our students to be prepared for further education, training, careers and life. It isn’t enough to prepare only some of our students for the future. We are committed to making a positive difference for every student, every day.


Whether you find yourself with free time on your hands, a desire to spend time with young minds, or welcome the opportunity to help others, our teachers, students and staff greatly appreciate your willingness to share through volunteering in our district.


In the Vinton-Shellsburg School District, our students’ safety and your protection are very important to us.  We strive to provide a safe, healthy, and supportive work environment for our students, staff and volunteers.  To help ensure this, we ask that you follow these guidelines.

  • Volunteers should sign in at the office and wear a name tag.  Please sign out when leaving the building.
  • The classroom teacher will determine how your volunteer talents can best be utilized.  This might include listening to children read, reading to students, tutoring, playing games, helping with class projects, helping with class parties, helping on field trips, etc…Understand that your role is to support the teacher.
  • All information regarding students and staff should remain confidential.  Volunteers should not ask for student addresses or phone numbers or share yours with the student.  A volunteer should not take photos of students without the consent of the teacher.
  • The school board expects all adults working with students to remain substance free. 
  • Volunteers should use adult restrooms only and should not take students individually to the restroom.
  • Volunteers should work with children in open areas near other adults or children. There should be another volunteer, district employee or parent in the area where you are working with students at all times.  Volunteers should not lead a field trip group without staff present.
  • Volunteers should not ask for hugs. If a student requests one, hug from the side, or bend down so that your shoulders are level with the student.  Handshakes, “high fives”, and an arm around the shoulder are safe, warm and friendly touches.
  • Your role as a volunteer does not involve disciplining students.  Return to the classroom teacher for support or to report an incident.  
  • Let your conversations demonstrate respect for others and avoid language that may be perceived as discriminatory, sexist or offensive.  Remember that you are a role model for students.  Treat all students in the same kind and fair manner and be respectful of their differences.
  • If a student shares with you anything that causes you concern for their safety or health, TELL THE TEACHER OR PRINCIPAL.  Be assured that they will follow up on the information.